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Charity and Community Support


Our commitment to empowering our young people to become good citizens sees our GCSE and Sixth Form students devote an afternoon per week to volunteering in the local community. We do not dictate to our students what their placement is as they become truly empowered through being passionate about the project they choose. And as a result of the work they do on these afternoons, we see many of our pupils continue to seek out voluntary community service when they leave us. The placements are as varied as our pupil body – with litter picking, maths and English mentoring at local schools and reading to care home residents all popular choices.

Holiday Support at Evergreen School

We work closely with a number of other local schools and one of these important relationships is with Evergreen School. At both student and staff levels, this partnership enables our communities to collaborate and share perspectives, which enhances teaching and learning on both sides of the relationship. Student teachers training at the Foundation work in and with Evergreen to enhance their SEND practice whilst senior pupils from the Foundation visit Evergreen to support their pupils’ learning including at a Holiday Club. This close relationship enhances the pupil experience for all – both Foundation and Evergreen pupils, as well as generations of pupils to come.




Kissing It Better

Empowering our young people to be positive contributors to society is at the heart of our educational offering at the Foundation, and we encourage students to take part in charity work during their time with us and beyond. One example of this is our work with the Kissing It Better charity; a partner organisation of all schools on our Warwick campus, whose mission is to positively impact the lives of older people and those with chronic and terminal illnesses.

Students from Year 1 all the way to Year 13 contribute their time to performing in hospitals and care homes to brighten up the life of residents or those who are terminally ill. Thi has included students organising Zoom performances and producing artistic material such as drawings and handmade games for hospitals and care homes during the pandemic, and during the Christmas period, collecting gift donations for children at the hospitals and making Christmas cards that are sent out to elderly residents and patients.



Pupils Voice Group

The Pupils Voice Group was founded at King’s High School and Warwick School in order to enable our students to have greater autonomy over their fundraising efforts and empower them to collaborate with local charities. 

Every school term, elected student representatives survey peers in their year group to nominate an organisation to be the focus of the school’s fundraisers. The group is also responsible for the creation of engaging fundraising events for their respective schools.

Past events have included bake sales, car washes, non-uniform and Christmas jumper days, and coffee mornings.

The schools’ collective efforts largely contribute to furthering the charitable impact of various partner organisations. For example, in 2022, Warwick School fundraised enough money to fund a new delivery van for the local food bank, enabling them to continue the pick-up and delivery of local donations.

Other organisations we’ve collaborated with include:

  • Oddballs Foundation

  • MIND

  • Helping Hands Community Project

  • Movember Foundation

  • Acorns Trust

  • Mary’s Meals

  • The Brain Tumour Charity