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Drama at the Foundation

Future plans in the department include the development of Young Artist Leaders (YALs). This is where we envision a small number of pupils across the key stages acting as mentors, organisers, creative voices (for feedback as well as promotion) to lead workshops, organise events and engage with all ages of pupils in the enjoyment and reach of creative options in school. 

All of our Foundation schools share a rich drama programme, with breathtaking showcase performances happening throughout the year and across all levels of the schools.

These productions, which have included Les Miserables, Shrek The Musical, The Great Gatsby, Jesus Christ Superstar, and The Crucible, to name a few, are often joint between schools which feeds into our 'Best of All Worlds' ethos.

Our drama facilities and equipment are of professional standards, and all our Foundation pupils have access to the commercial theatre, the Bridge House Theatre, on the Warwick Campus. Pupils from across all schools participate in all aspects of the production, from casting and costume to lighting and music.

“Mrs Price introduced me to the drama school I ended up getting a scholarship to attend - The Guildford School of Acting, and she guided me through the application process, and held my hand throughout the ups and downs… I couldn't have done it without her”

Ronay Poole