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Medicine and Allied Sciences

Like Law, applications for Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, and Dentistry have particular demands. Specific support for pupils therefore starts early, in recognition of the fact that university admissions tutors are looking for a high degree of commitment and determination as well as a wide range of aptitudes. Students from The Kingsley School, King's High School, and Warwick School have equal access to the below support:

Years 10 and 11
  • The Medical Pathway Friday Afternoon Activity now begins. Pupils begin to explore medicine and related careers and are given the opportunity to carry out independent research projects on an area of their choosing.

  • In Year 11, following one-to-one sessions with a member of each school’s Senior Leadership team, pupils interested in Medicine and Allied Sciences meet with the Medicine Coordinator to discuss course choices and the best preparation for applications
Sixth Form
  • Pupils now attend a weekly pupil-led Medical Society, which includes discussion of current issues in healthcare; university choices; ethical scenarios and listen to talks from outside speakers.

  • University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) preparation begins in Lower Sixth, including a full day led by the Medical Portal. Pupils have the opportunity to sit mock tests and receive feedback on their performance.

  • Personal Statement workshops tailored towards medicine, and taking into account of the requirements of different universities, also begin in Lower Sixth. One-to-one meetings to add final edits to Personal Statements run through the first half of the Autumn term.
  • Pupils sitting the Bio-medical Admissions Test (BMAT) now also receive mentoring through the Medical Society programme.
  • In Upper Sixth, pupils attend individual meetings following the publication of their UCAS grades and their UCAT results
  • Mock interviews take place during the Autumn Term of Lower Sixth, including a full day of preparation run by the Medical Portal. Individual mock interviews are also held within school, through our science departments. 

“The support provided by teachers and mentors during university application and interview preparation was invaluable, helping me navigate the complex process and build the confidence to excel in my interviews.”

Kishan Bodalia