Angelo - Warwick School

Name: Angelo - Year 9
Instruments: Flute and bass guitar
During my time at Warwick, I have played many instruments - starting in Year 6 by playing the flute and the violin. I stopped playing the violin in Year 7, but this was not due to a lack of interest in or hatred towards the instrument, but simply my lack of talent - whether that speaks to my perseverance or my curiosity, I'm unsure!
After that, I stuck to flute for two years, and I am currently working towards my Grade 5. I have also just started playing bass guitar this year with my teacher, Mr. Storer, and I am working on my Grade 1. I also sing in a rock band.
My musical experience has really helped me when studying music in school, whether it's being able to make simple motifs or recognising what makes a piece of repertoire recognisable. But I am still learning, and my teachers always help when I ask and make lessons fun and engaging. I have also had lots of fun music lessons that further my understanding of music.
I have studied music all the way from Year 5 until now, and I plan to study further into Year 10. While going through the years, I have learned a lot of different things - starting in Year 5 with the history of music and now, in Year 9, studying the secret of composition. It seems that the longer I study music, the more challenging and exciting music seems to get.
At Warwick, my main instrument is the flute and, as a result, this is where most of my successes to date have been achieved. Probably the most notable is that I have passed my Grades 1 to 4, all with distinction, which is the highest mark possible on a music exam. Aside from that, I have also made many group achievements - one of which is the Pro Corda music competition I am entered into with my flute quintet called Flutissimo. We are currently in the semi-final round of the contest and have been playing brilliantly together. This shows not only the solo opportunities that we have access to at Warwick, but the group possibilities as well.
What I love about studying music at Warwick is the wide range of opportunities available. As someone who plays multiple instruments, my weeks can be filled with a variety of music-making. For example, on a Monday afternoon, I could be in an orchestra with lots of other boys and girls; on Wednesday, I could be in the studio singing with my rock band; and then on Fridays, I could be playing with my flute quintet. So, really, what I love is that every day is a new part of music - and the fact that I can experience and make all these types of music in one place is truly wonderful and an experience that I wouldn't get anywhere else.