Chris – Warwick School

Name: Chris - Upper Sixth
Instruments: Trumpet, piano and recorder
Studying music at Warwick has provided me with amazing opportunities from the start to the end of my school career. I have been able to perform amazing music at the annual Jazz at the Bridge concert and termly symphony orchestra concerts but, most importantly, Warwick music has had a hugely positive impact on my social life at the school allowing me to forge some of my strongest friendships.
To date, the main highlight of my time in the Warwick school music department has been the incredible concert in Warwick Uni’s Butterworth Hall that we gave at the start of the year. Being able to perform in such a prestigious location and at such a high level filled me with pride as a member of the Warwick school music community.
The music department here at Warwick has provided me with support pastorally and musically. In my time here I have had the opportunity to be taught by two incredible trumpet players with amazing musical experience. Alongside this, the music department has always been a place where I can go and talk about my interests and ask for advice.
My favourite thing about Warwick music is the breadth of opportunity. I have performed in diverse groups from a baroque trio to a New Orleans funk band. This has allowed me to experience a huge range of musical styles and explore what interests me most.