Ella - The Kingsley School

Name: Ella - Year 13
Instruments: Singing, electric guitar, and bass
Music is, without question, my number one artistic outlet. It brings people together and it’s so accessible; we all engage with music on a daily basis, whether we consider ourselves to be musical or not. There’s something very exciting about composing and playing music – it’s electric!
I enjoy participating in a variety of music groups at school. I’m an active member of Kingsley’s Senior Swing Band. I also support the Junior Wind Band, and I sing in Cantus Amoris, an invitation-only vocal consort for experienced singers. Collaborating with other talented musicians is so rewarding. I spend many hours practising on my own, but playing in a group develops an entirely different skill set and has also improved my sight-reading abilities. We meet and practise on a weekly basis, and we regularly perform in school concerts.
Performing is, for me, one of the most rewarding aspects of being a musician. I have a keen interest in musical theatre, combining my love of music and singing with acting. I especially love performing in Cabaret – it’s so much fun! I’m a member of Playbox – a world-renowned theatre company for young people – and I participate in screen acting through an agency. I take ballet classes to further enhance my performance skills. I also enjoy preparing for, and taking, my singing examinations. Currently, I’m working towards my Grade 7 exam, and I’m particularly proud of the Distinctions I’ve earned in all of my previous grades.
Taking Music at A-level has broadened my understanding of the subject. We study a variety of genres, from Western classical music to rock and pop. The exam requires us to analyse the pieces we’ve studied in detail, as well as listening and responding to unfamiliar works. The course has encouraged me to explore a more diverse range of music, introducing me to genres such as impressionism and expressionism – styles I now really enjoy, but might not have gravitated to on my own.
I’m always seeking new opportunities to further develop and refine my musical abilities. I plan to volunteer at a local theatre company to deepen my understanding of sound technology, and I’m also auditioning for several musicals. Music has played a central role in my life both in and out of school, and I’m excited to see where it will take me in the future!