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Lily - The Kingsley School

Name: Lily - Year 6
Instruments: Violin, guitar and singing

My musical journey started in Year 3 when everyone in my class was given the opportunity to learn the violin for the academic year as part of the KS2 String Scheme. Mrs O’Reilly taught us all to play during our timetabled music lessons; I really enjoyed it and I found I had a natural talent for it.

Since then, I have continued to develop my musical skills. I now have one-to-one lessons in school, which I absolutely love. The teachers make the lessons so much fun, which motivates me to practise and improve. I have reached Grade 3 on the violin and I’m working towards my Grade 2 singing exam. I was awarded a Distinction for my Grade 1, which I’m very proud of.

I think what I love most about playing and singing is the way you can express different emotions. It’s also amazing how music can affect your mood. For example, if you’re feeling sad then playing, or listening to, happy music can make you feel so much better!

I’m a member of the Prep School Orchestra and I also sing in the Prep Choir. We learn so many different pieces – a mixture of modern and classical music – and we have lots of opportunities to perform. At Christmas, I sang and played my violin in the end-of-term concert. I really enjoy these concerts because we have the chance to perform with students of all ages, including Senior School and Sixth Form students. I also sang in the school’s carol service at Holy Trinity Church.

Everyone at Kingsley has been so supportive of my music. Whenever they hear me play, my teachers and classmates congratulate me and say, ‘Well done – that was really good!’ We have just started rehearsing for our Year 6 musical – Matilda – and I have been given a number of solos. I’m excited to perform alongside my classmates and can’t wait to show everyone what we’ve been working on!